Rangoli designs above 15 dots may ( can ) be classified under an intermediate category, they are neither small nor are they very big. They can be drawn for festivals like Margazhi, Ugadi or at the entrance of kalyana mantap ( wedding hall ) . One such design below. It is with a 15 dot to 8 dot grid ( The dots are idukku pulli type - meaning that after a row of dots is placed the next one is placed between the previous row of dots and below ( or above ). Consequently, the number of dots reduce by one in each row - 15, 14, 13, 12 till 8 dots in this case. This colourful rangoli is a floral rangoli design ( as usual ).
The plain and white rangoli. White rangoli designs are beautiful in their own way and are widely used in Tamil Nadu, daily. In the rangoli with colours I have chosen to hide the ribs drawn on the floral patterns by adding the colours. We can also add the ribs again after filling the colours. White rangoli designs are under the label white rangoli This image represents an intermediate stage of the rangoli design after drawing the 7 floral patterns. The design at the centre and the patterns connecting the dots between the inner designs and the outer flowers are drawn. The image below shows the dot grid for reference . The distance between the dots can be chosen according to our convenience depending on the space and time available. The more the distance the larger will the rangoli below and hence occupy more space and will take more time to complete and add colours.. The image on the right shows an intermediate stage of the rangoli after completing the 7 floral designs. More rangoli designs are in rangoli designs with dots |