Rangoli making / Rangoli drawing - double stroke kolam
The first image shows the first step of the rangoli. I have used only parallel lines drawn simultaneously in this design. Draw four pairs of intersecting lines. From the ends of each line connect the adjacent line to get the pattern seen above. A very basic design that can by itself used as a simple rangoli for our homes. The next design has evolved from the previous one. Draw a parallel line border matching the contours of the first design. Connect the border and the floral design with as many straight lines as possible The third step of the rangoli is shown below. Decorate the periphery of the rangoli with floral motifs that are formed using spiral and circular patterns. Also fill the petals at the centre with simple oval designs. This is a plain rangoli by itself and can be drawn at entrances. The rangoli can be filled with colours. Adding colours will make any rangoli very attractive. Actually rangoli means rows of colours. Hence colours and rangoli always go together. This rangoli in colours has been posted in a subsequent post Rangoli above has evolved from the second one which has evolved from the first image above. All three are unique by themselves and can be drawn depending upon the occasion, availability of time and space. Thus from a single basic version, many with intricate patterns can evolve. I have constraints in space at present which will be reflected in many designs. The rangoli after addition of a few colours and the effect of colours on a plain white rangoli is clearly visible. Add lines of different colours between the double line border and the floral design and fill the patterns with colours of your choice to get this simple design of rangoli |