The first rangoli is a free hand rangoli design with four birds ( that look like swans swimming in water !). The base is a square pattern and hence four birds. Add petal motifs inside and outside. I have just sprinkled a few colours ( actually sprinkled and not filled up ) to complete this rather simple design
. The second design is also a free hand design with six birds drawn around a six petal flower. The gaps between the birds ( drawn upto the neck ) are also filled with pink floral petals. The centre of the pink flower at the centre has some representations of the stamen of a flower. Two very simple rangoli designs for all occasions including Women's Day.
The next rangoli is a 7 dot design with dot grid 7 to 4 ( idukku pulli or dots in between ). The first black and white image shows the first stage of the rangoli. Draw the petals at the centre, join them with curved lines. Draw the body of the birds around the dots as shown to use the dots as eyes. Use the remaining dots to draw the wings. That leaves six dots in front of the beak of each bird. I have used them drawing a simple floral pattern. The video showing how to draw this rangoli design is available in simple dot rangoli .
As we are all aware Women's day is celebrated on 8th of March every year. Last year the theme ( of United Nations ) was " Time for action to end violence against women ". In 2014 the theme is ( Equality for women is progress for all ). Since I am focussing primarily on rangoli designs I would like to draw some to celebrate this occasion. The theme I have chosen is birds ( there are already quite a few in Rangoli-sans-dots ). In my opinion birds represent freedom, liberty. Since Women's Day and liberty have a lot in common, some free hand and rangoli with dots for this special occasion. This is also a tribute to the thousands of women in India who patiently, draw rangoli designs every day at dawn or in the morning to celebrate events, festivals to welcome guests and to feed ants, insects and birds ( when they are drawn with rice flour )