I hope you agree tht it is beautiful . A complete flower with petals sepals and stamen !. Six such flowers to get an awesome kolam.. For those who are visiting this website for the first time I get my rangoli colours from a place called Koradi ( there is is famous Goddess Lakshmi temple ) near Nagpur. One of my elder sisters lives in Nagpur . She sends all colours by courier. One consignment lasts for a year even for me because I use a lot for demonstration through videos on social media.
One intermediate step showing the sepals of the six flowers being drawnHibiscus is one of my most favourite flowers after rose and lotus for creating simple rangoli designs.
This 7 to 4 kolam can be drawn for daily purpose or if you are looking for a small rangoli for festivals like Sankranti or Ugadi you can try it also. An important rangoli tip - try to draw most or all lines at a single stretch. It will make the design more attractive when there are no joints. It should be possible for a easy rangoli like the one shown in the pictures above.