Two kolams similar yet different in the images above and below . The flower design at the centre is the same. There are some differences in the motifs/patterns use on the periphery. Demo of two different simple colouring ideas are also shown.
A plain white version of a colourful design using paisleys . The smaller patterns are like sting rays says may daughter . The kolam below uses small and big lotus or thamarai designs
The rangoli above was created by me for Facebook. Star is a commonly used base. Draw this free hand kolam and decorate with kaavi for Friday. The next one is very simple and I think the image is self explanatory
Two dot kolam , the picture above shows a 4 by 4 dots design and the photo below a simple 9 by 5 rangoli with geometric shapes as the main patterns
A plain white version of a colourful design using paisleys . The smaller patterns are like sting rays says may daughter . The kolam below uses small and big lotus or thamarai designs
The tails of the peacocks are converted into a lotus ( above ). The kolam below is beautiful but a bit tricky.
The rangoli above was created by me for Facebook. Star is a commonly used base. Draw this free hand kolam and decorate with kaavi for Friday. The next one is very simple and I think the image is self explanatory
Two dot kolam , the picture above shows a 4 by 4 dots design and the photo below a simple 9 by 5 rangoli with geometric shapes as the main patterns
Many kolam in Rangoli-sans-dots are drawn without any preparation. Very few finishing touches are given. All are of the 'no frills' type. The idea is to get an image as one would when she/he draws on the floor.I felt that this method would ensure that the images uploaded are congruous with or closer to to our real life.