Step by step images showing how to make an easy toran using mango leaves for decorating homes for Diwali, Navratri .Choose fresh mango leaves ( maavilai in Tamil ) so that they are all of the same length
Take a thread of sufficient length so that it covers the entire doorway. Extra thread is required to tie the toran on both sides of the doorway. We can use the petiole ( the thin projection at the top edge of the leaf through which the leaf is supported by the tree ) to hang the mango leaf from the thread by part of the leaf with petiole to the other side of the thread and inserting it into the leaf. This is the traditional method of making a simple thoranam. Some use staples too. If you use staples carefully dispose the toran after use by removing the staples so that cattle do not eat and injure themselves
Picture above shows a completed toran. Some dip the thread in turmeric paste to display an auspicious occasion.