How to make rava laddu step by step images
We prepare this Rava laddu for Rama Navami . It belongs to the Thanjavur Marathi recipe category. It is prepared without milk
- For one measure rava or semolina
- take 1/4 measure maida ,
- 3/4 powdered sugar ( confectioner's sugar ) or burra sakkarai ,
- dessicated coconut one table spoon ,
- cashew nuts caradamom powder
- Add ghee to a shallow vessel, fry the rava till it becomes golden brown.
- Roast maida with a little ghee . Keep both ( rava and maida ) aside .
- Mix powdered sugar in generous quantity of ghee and mix thoroughly till the mixture becomes like cream.
- When rava , maida are cooled completely add them to this mixture
- Add cashew nuts fried in ghee and cardamom powder ,
- Mix all the ingredients well till they are thoroughly mixed.
- Then form the laddus by pressing to get spherical shapes.
- Rava laddu is ready to be served
- It is a good evening snack also.
- It is also one of the offerings to Lord Rama
Rava laddu step by step for Rama Navami neivedyam
Laddu recipes with almost no cooking
This recipe does not need the use of gas stove. Only roasting of some ingredients is done. So it may be considered as a recipe with no cooking. So we can make it quickly and easily. We can make it as a quick and easy sweet for Diwali. These days for all women, working and homemakers , time is a premium . Still making Deepavali bakshanam at home gives us a lot of satisfaction. With nuclear families being the order of the day, we do not have the benefits of joint families when all the ladies in the house used to involve in making sweets and savories for various festivals.