Kolam tips Tamil | Simple kolam tips
The video below is from my YouTube Channel Rangolisansdots. Some of the tricks and tips I follow for my Deepavali and Pongal kolam are given . The subtitles are in English
What is the information available in the video
How to prepare kola podi for getting fine lines
For three parts kola podi mix one part rice flour. Sieve the kola maavu first . Mix both well you will get very nice lines.
How to place dots
The quantity of kola podi taken should be minimum to get perfect dots. If you take more podi
the dots lose shape.
For a 7 to 4 dot grid place the centre row of dots first and then the pulli above and below to ensure uniformity. If you start from the top the dot grid may not be straight . This is more evident when bigger the dot patterns are used.
How to draw thin lines in kolam
Take as little kola podi as possible only then thin lines are easy to draw.
How to draw curved lines in rangoli
The wrist should be supple and relaxed . Then it is easy to draw curved lines
How to draw erattai ezhai or double line
Take two pinches of kolam powder on the index finger and middle finger, push with the thumb simultaneously moving the arm , one line falls between the index finger and middle finger and the other line falls outside the index finger.