The advantage of this kolam is that it is created with straight line. Only when there are curved lines we need more practice and supple wrists. For example flower designs like the lotus. This can be easily drawn by us all.
The pictures show the steps to make it easy to understand
Unlike most dot rangoli here in some places we extend the line beyond the dot grid
The dots remaining at the edges can be converted into flower designs with a tooth pick or match stick. If we want to use a cotton bud we need to have bigger bullets of rangoli powder as the edge of the cotton bud is thicker than a tooth pick.
One more view of the fourth side being connected with dots
Though we use only straight lines we can get confused , that is why I have added lots of pictures.
In the photo below we can see that I missed in one of the places , this happens if we lose our concentration even a little bit !
An excellent rangoli for Margali or Pongal particularly to add colours. For those who are looking for a square dot rangoli for Diwali this will be simple and suitable.